ADB Guide

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Revision as of 16:11, 11 January 2013 by Sebastian s (Talk | contribs)

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This is a Guide on how to use ADB on all major Platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac)


Windows users should get the drivers first, otherwise nothing will work as expected.

You can get them either by following this link:

Hardkernel Download Page

or here (might get outdated):

Dropbox Download Link from 2011-03-09

Windows 8 Users MUST disable "Signed drivers only" installation, following this guide:

Installing unsigned Windows Drivers in Windows 8

Linux + Mac users dont have to do anything from the above.

Install the SDK via Android SDK Link

add adb command to your PATH variable:

ADB Installation for Linux and Mac Users

export PATH=$PATH:/your/path/to/sdk/platform-tools

or make it survice the exit of your terminal window:

vi ~/.bash_rc

press :i to get to insert mode and type:

export PATH=$PATH:/your/path/to/sdk/platform-tools

press ESCAPE KEY :wq to get into command mode, write the file and quit the editor

ADB Installation for Windows 7/8 Users

  1. open the folder of your sdk and navigate to sdk\platform-tools Screenshot
  2. rightclick the navigation bar and copy the selected path Screenshot
  3. rightclick your computer on the desktop and click Properties Screenshot
  4. click on Advanced system settings Screenshot
  5. click on Environment Variables... Screenshot
  6. in the System variables group search for Path and click on Edit... Screenshot
  7. add a semicolon at the end of the line and then paste your path of the platform-tools folder Screenshot
  8. click ok
  9. click ok again
  10. click ok once again
  11. open a cmd prompt (Win+R cmd)
  12. type echo %PATH% to see whether it got applied well
  13. type adb. if you get a very looooong output then everything should be well and you can use adb (dont forget to install drivers if you havent already)

Listing connected devices

adb list

Remounting System Partition RW

adb remount